advice 1:
lock yourself up in a room with only a chair, a desk and a computer. (no lamps! they are evil!) this computer has NO INTERNET CONNECTION. and only installed programs like flash, photoshop, etc. ONLY NECESSARY PROGRAMS! NOTHING ELSE. you stay there for at least 5 days and live on energy drink, glucose pils and noodles.
advice 2:
invent a machine where you put in food and lock yourself up in a room with only this machine and the chair, desk and computer from advice 1. the machine will only give you something to eat if you make a good flash.
in other words: make a flash or die.
advice 3:
focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.f cus.focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.foc us.focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.focu s.focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.focus .focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.
focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.f cus.focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.foc us.focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.focu s.focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.focus .focus.focus.focus.focus.focus.
advice 4.
if you need any help with a storyline, ask me for help.
Just keep at it.
assign a certain amount of time per day to work on it, and only treat yourself when you do the assigned time.
I suppose.
ok ill try tnx